La Iniciativa Ciudadanos Europeos por el Agua (Water Citizens Iniciative) lanza la web de su campaña de recogida de firmas.

La iniciativa pretende el reconocimiento europeo del Agua como Derecho Humano.

EPSU Press communication

Water Citizens' Initiative launches its campaign website

(22 March 2012) World Water Day – Launch of the website for European Citizen Initiative “Water is a Human Right not a commodity” sponsored by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU). This website will be one of the tools for the collection of signatures.

The next step will be to submit the initiative to the European Commission on 2 April. The European Commission then has up to two months to validate the European Citizens Initiative (ECI). After the Commission's validation, the official registration of signatures can start and from that date there is one year to collect the million signatures.

EPSU and several civil society organisations across Europe will be campaigning for the achievement of Water as a Human Right in Europe. The campaigners believe that water should not be merchandise because it is a common good.

Carola Fischbach-Pyttel EPSU's General Secretary states “Access to water is a Human Right. Public services such as water and sanitation should not be liberalised and dominated by commercial and corporate interests. A successful citizens initiative will give the message to the Commission and governments that citizens want a social Europe and reject the negative market and corporation driven Europe”.

The organisers hope that the Member States and the European Commission will be ready on time so that the collection of signatures can start.

EPSU is the European Federation of Public Service Unions. It is the largest federation of the ETUC and comprises 8 million public service workers from over 275 trade unions; EPSU organizes workers in the energy, water and waste sectors, health and social services and local and national administration, in all European countries including in the EU's Eastern Neighborhood. EPSU is the recognized regional organization of Public Services International (PSI).

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